
August 2023

Farm Nutrient Retention Trials - End of first year soil sampling - 29 August 2023

July 2019

Northland Age: 9 July 2019 - Time to get serious about clean waler

Northland Age: 2 July 2019 - For the environment's sake

June 2019

Northland Age: Juhe 2019 - Action sought on Taipa sewage

Presentation to NRC Consent Hearing for Taipa Waste Water Plant

August 2015 (3)

What have we been up to these past 6 months?

May and June were busy times of the year with lots of planting days enjoyed by all of those whom participated in a big or small way. So first of all thank you to you all for getting involved and digging and planting.

Taipa Area School are stepping up to the challenge of kaitiaki for their local environment. It is now the 4th year of planting at Otengi Stream; a project in collaboration with Charles and Kay Adamson, Taipa Area School and Clean Waters to the Sea. With contributions also from Mike Finlayson.

The riparian planting at Otengi Stream is now reaching a maintenance phase. While the senior school concentrates on pest control the younger school members will monitor tree health and weeding. Who knows one day this may progress to the headland and development of a nature walk?

Claire Wilkinson (teacher at Taipa) tells us that the junior school is currently developing a sanctuary for breeding birds, specifically native dotterel at the north end of Taipa Beach. This will involve developing habitats, with pingao and spinifex to protect the foreshore where birds nest in sand dugouts. Dog owners are requested to keep dogs on leash at all times as the birds are incredibly timid and susceptible to predation. Keep it up Taipa.

Kate's Bush

Clean Waters to the Sea has also been pleased to foster a beneficial relationship with Taipa Area School and the Adamson family. One of the areas being developed is known as Kate's Bush.

Next time you are heading north from Taipa take a quick glimpse to your right as you are heading over the first hill. There has been a marked increase in bird life and self-seeding extending from existing bush areas.

There was also a break in the weather for another great planting day - at Pariri Road, adjoining the river.

Planting day at Pariri Road

Want to get planting but not sure what or where?

We provide guidance and or assistance with:

  • Site mapping for the location of plants
  • Advice on type of plant – size –spacing
  • A post planting management and maintenance plan
  • Advertise the event to our volunteers

Want to know more or to get involved? Call our Clean Waters to the Sea Trustee Trudy Crerar : 021 810 776

We recommend locally eco-sourced varieties. If you know a source let us know.

The State of our Waterways

The Society for Conservation Biology's new report, titled Diagnosis and Cure, examines the decline of species living in our fresh waterways and suggests solutions, including a law overhaul and improvements to policy, monitoring and management.

Three quarters of the country's native freshwater fish, mussel and crayfish species were now listed as threatened with extinction. Blame can be attributed to excessive nutrient run-off from over-intensive agriculture, extraction of water, river engineering, and human and industrial waste discharged to waterways.

One of the authors, Dr Mike Joy of Massey University's Institute of Agriculture and Environment, said the problems would be exacerbated by Government plans to increase agricultural production.

"There are even plans to increase development of our rivers and wetlands, exacerbating these problems," he said.

"It [fresh water quality] is a taonga of paramount importance and valued for its contribution to biodiversity, recreation, the economy and the overall wellbeing of New Zealanders."

Co-author Dr Emily Elston said New Zealand could implement some "real changes" which would "not only improve the freshwater environments for the species living in them, but also for us by providing clean water and wonderful places for fishing".

"We have to do something about the increasingly poor state of our rivers, lakes and groundwater resources. Business as usual is no longer an option."

The Government has set out core priorities and objectives to improve freshwater management in the new National Policy Statement (NPS) for Freshwater Management.

This introduced new minimum or "bottom line" requirements that must be achieved so the water quality was suitable for ecosystem and human health, and included a range of other actions for regional councils.

(Taken from NZ Herald –Aug. 17)

Fundraising – Yep we've been doing it.

Applications to the sustainable farming fund

The sustainable farming fund has received two applications from us for funding in the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Yep you have to be ahead of your game and well ahead of the 8 ball if want to be in with a chance and hopefully we are.

Project Y: Farm Nutrient Trials is a trial on 3 farms, 2 dairy and 1 beef, where by natural fertiliser blends and microbes are utilised instead of the heavy use of artificial urea and phosphate fertilisers. Credible scientific measurements will show results for;

  • Reduction of erosion of topsoil
  • Increased organic matter in the top soil
  • Increased activity of microorganisms in the soil
    Resulting in;
    Reduction of leaching into our waterways and
    Increased pasture production and soil retention.

Project X: Effluent and Septic Tank works in partnership with a local business and primary school to investigate;

  • water quality
  • methods for treatment
  • focusing specifically on the water treatment of effluent ponds and septic tanks

Applications to the NRC:

We have also submitted applications to the Northern Regional Council for Project Y and we are waiting to hear back.

Every little bit helps - it's the give a little ethos.

Cash donations are gladly accepted and can be made directly to our bank account via internet banking:
Acc: 38 9014 0256091 00

  • In the reference section please state CWTS Donation & Your Name
  • If you require a receipt please email Trudy Crerar at