Cleaning up and protecting our waterways has become a hot political topic. Economic development must go hand in hand with addressing environmental issues. Voters are now insisting on that. But it is also about who pays.
Whilst our group cannot solve all the issues, we are committed to establishing a high standard of water for the Tokarau - Doubtless Bay catchment. Addressing pollution and silting issues takes a community effort in order to be truly effective.
Our main objectives (Pou), are all directed at generating cross community participation and interest in cleaning up our waterways.
Water quality needs to be watched, checked, addressed and protected so that our land and our waterways can sustain the full range of aquatic life. The intrinsic value of freshwater waterways is largely based on their ability to sustain healthy aquatic ecological systems and the species that live within them.
Ecological (aquatic) systems are linked to lands, vegetation and marine areas that they border. It is therefore of utmost importance that this relationship between land and our waters ways, both fresh and marine is guarded. New Zealand has over 425,000 kilometres of rivers and streams. There are over 30 major river catchments in the North Island alone. Species move between land and water throughout their life cycles. That is why looking after their intrinsic relationship is so important.
Clean Waters to the Sea - Tokarau Moana Charitable Trust wishes to impart (kaitiakitanga) guardianship to all those who enjoy the benefits of good quality water. We want to do that by; sharing and broadening our knowledge of best practices in riparian planting and sustainable agricultural practices, highlighting for our community topical issues that may impact on our waterways, engaging our local community (schools, businesses, landowners, groups and individuals) in local projects where they can make a difference, working alongside local and national bodies to both inform and learn from current research, and raising awareness of what can be achieved at grassroots level.
We recognise that building strong partnerships is key to succeeding in sustaining what is achieved. The Trust wants to create and contribute to opportunities for shared understanding. We are committed to building relationships based on trust, respect and mutual benefit. Currently the Trust has working relationships with; Department of Conservation, Northern Regional Council, Far North District Council, Dairy NZ, Land Corp, Local Schools, Local Business, Local farming community and many others.
The trust operates under a strategic plan focused under four pillars. These are called pou, as they mark our direction, guide us in our annual plans and keep us true to what we have set out to achieve.
The Four Pou are:
Download our Strategic Plan to read more.
Clean Waters to the Sea - Tokarau Moana Charitable Trust is incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 and was granted trust status on 20 March 2014. Its certificate of incorporation number is 2599724.
The trust is currently made up of six trustees and they each bring a special set of skills and enthusiasm to the Trust. Lead trustees are aligned to each of the POU so as to maximise the skills, experience and networks that they bring to the work of the Trust.
Created and Crafted by Theresa Reihana for Clean Waters to the Sea.
The Blue symbolises our fish. Green is the leaf and represents our flora,
our habitats along our rivers.
The pattern between the blue and the green symbolises the path of water
(river). It comes from the maunga (koru pattern), which is the spring.
Tokarau is the "Bay of many plentiful fishing rocks". Now known as Doubtless Bay. Toka, meaning rock and Rau, meaning many or hundreds. In times gone by, each fishing area - a rock, or reef - was associated with one hapu where they would fish. One of these is Nuku Taurua or Fairway Reef. As it was a very plentiful fishing 'rock' it was a shared fishing ground by all hapu in the area.