
Pou 1: Project X

Mangonui Haulage - Mangonui School and Clean Waters to the sea

Clean Waters To the Sea has been working with Mangonui Haulage and Mangonui School to come up with some solutions as to how to manage waste. Denis Sparksman, owner and CEO of Mangonui Haulage is interested in making a difference to the local community and getting the young ones (some of which are his grandchildren) involved. "We are all learning about how to operate a business that involves trucks and waste and land and water so that it cares for and sustains a healthy environment."

Mangonui Haulage

Download Edition 2 of our Newsletter to read more.

Taipa Area School and Adamson's Farm

Taipa Area School are stepping up to the challenge of kaitiaki for their local environment. It is now the 4th year of planting at Otengi Stream; a project in collaboration with Charles and Kay Adamson, Taipa Area School and Clean Waters to the Sea. With contributions also from Mike Finlayson.

Riparian planting

The riparian planting at Otengi Stream is now reaching a maintenance phase. While the senior school concentrates on pest control the younger school members will monitor tree health and weeding. Who knows one day this may progress to the headland and development of a nature walk?

Claire Wilkinson (teacher at Taipa) tells us that the junior school is currently developing a sanctuary for breeding birds, specifically native dotterel at the north end of Taipa Beach. This will involve developing habitats, with pingao and spinifex to protect the foreshore where birds nest in sand dugouts. Dog owners are requested to keep dogs on leash at all times as the birds are incredibly timid and susceptible to predation. Keep it up Taipa.

Matthews' Farm

Larry and Fiona Matthews’ family are well-established farmers in our area. Their predecessors fenced off and planted areas of the Parapara Stream over 50 yrs ago - with the knowledge that excluding stock and planting out coastal and stream areas would protect the land and our waterways for future generations to profit and enjoy. Clean Waters to the Sea, among 35 other keen and willing workers aged 4 -84yrs from the public, Iwi, DoC and the Northland Regional Council, helped organise and plant well over 900 trees to help protect the waterways of the Parapara Stream and surrounds.

Riparian planting

Cabbage, Manuka and Kanuka were the majority of the trees planted with some Totara also added in some areas. The trees and assistance with fencing costs is made possible through the Northland Regional Council Environmental Fund. Larry Matthews: "I am just so grateful for the passion of the people in our community, lending a hand and chipping in to assist with helping us. It was a great turn out on Sunday and its is heartening to see and be a part of."

Planting at Matthews' Farm