
Membership is voluntary and koha based. There is no joining fee. We have a growing membership. In 2013 there were 60 members which has now grown to 96. Our members include the local mayor, members from the councils, local nursery owners, local business owners, land owners (large and small), schools and school principals and keen motivated individuals who will show up on a wet day to plant trees on kaikua stricken river banks.

Types of Membership. One or more of items listed below might be how you wish to be involved:

  • Receive newsletters
  • Volunteer for working bees, planting, fencing etc
  • Have marketing skills to share
  • Able to attend meetings
  • Would be happy to spread the word
  • Good at fundraising
  • Happy just to donate
  • Other

If you would like to join or would like to update your membership information, please contact us with your details. We would love to hear from you.


Cash donations are gladly accepted and can be made directly to our bank account via internet banking. Please contact us for more details.